
FHC’s Masters program wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the hard work of our coaches, managers and support staff. Thank you for your time and commitment to this important program.

We also appreciate our regionally and nationally rated umpires who represent FHC so well internationally.


Men’s Masters 50+

Head Coach John Sacre

John Sacre
Current Team
Can Men50+

After retiring from 12 years playing on the Canadian Men’s National Team, John immediately transitioned to coaching. John has coached a variety of teams including three generations of players. John has been National Team Assistant Coach and Interim Men’s National Coach. He has also been involved in four Pam Am Games, two World Cup Qualifiers, the Commonwealth Games, one World Cup, and three Jr. World Cup Qualifiers.

Manager / Asst. Coach Kent McKinon

Kent McKinon
Current Team
Can Men50+

Kent has been coaching for more than 8 years – 5 years with the Tri-City Eagles field hockey club, and the last three years with Field Hockey BC and the Academy. He played field hockey all through school and club leagues in South Africa, and was involved in the provincial system and coached by some of the best coaches in the country.

Men’s Masters 60+

Head Coach Alan Hobkirk

Alan Hobkirk
Current Team
Can Men60+

Alan brings a wealth of experience to the Masters program. He played at UBC, and was captain at Oxford University and with Canada's National Team. He has coached at all levels with the Vancouver Hawks. As a player, he is an Olympian and a Pan-American Games veteran.

Manager Don Paterson

Don Paterson
Current Team
Can Men60+

Don has a long involvement with Masters Scotland and has years of experience as a Manager and Coach. Winner of the BC Presidents Award.